While the overall storytelling and character development is just as well crafted as the previous two books, I was pretty disappointed by this one, but not because of any flaws with the story, writing or performance. The problem with this book is the plotting: the first half of it is really the last third of the previous book and the second half is the first third of the next book.

To be clear, the previous book ends on a cliffhanger in the middle of an epic fight for no apparent reason. The first half of this book is the conclusion to that fight. It feels like the authors are just trying to squeeze more credits out of us and chopping the books into smaller pieces.

The plot just doesn’t read like a volume in a series. It’s more like they wrote the entire series and then just chopped it into ten hour segments, rather than starting and ending the books at the places that the plot suggests.

I feel like this is becoming a trend in the newer fantasy genres, and I have to say I’m not a fan. If a book needs to be 16 hours, then that’s how long it should be… it seems like the authors are cutting 2 books into 3 installments just to make an extra buck.