This book brings Artorian and the world through to the end of Divine Dungeon 5 and the epilogue covers a little bit after. This is the book in which Artorian settles all old business.

Spoilers below…

With the world ending, care of the Xenocide (see Divine Dungeon 5: Dungeon Eternium for more on that), Artorian ascends to the mage ranks and starts funneling more and more things to Cal, earning him the title of “Favorite”. My favorite bit was him securing the thief that stole Dani away and delivering it unto Dani. That was a nice bit of cross-series justice.

Artorian finally secured the last of his 2 children/grandchildren from the evil of the Ziggurat/Raiders. Ember/Dawn is freed from Skyspear, and everyone precious to Artorian is reunited and brought unto Cal.

The world ends, Artorian declares himself a Completionist (which is a nice tie in to the Completionist Chornicles) and he gets to work getting Cal’s inner world up to snuff.

I’ve already started Acme (which is the name of the law Cal is bound to).