4.5 stars! Wow, this one packed an emotional gut punch. After getting to know Stas in the previous books, here we get the story of her parents, how they met and how Stas came to be, and ultimately how they were torn apart as a family. An encounter that starts purely in the physical, really for both of them, Sethios and Caro developed into a very sweet, and very passionate relationship. Knowing roughly where it was heading left a constant knot in my gut, knowing it was going to end badly, but there is always more to the story, right? So I cheated a bit and saw that we will get more of there story in a couple books, and can I just say how much I’m looking forward to that. And how this is going to play into things as they’ve been progressing in the prior books, well, things are definitely even more interesting than they were already, if that was even possible. This was the right place to drop this little prequel story, giving some back story that is definitely going to play a role in what happens next for Stas, Isaac, et al. As always there is an undercurrent of lightness in many of the character interactions, which makes it feel so much more real and intimate. The narration was fantastic; emotional and real. Overall a very enjoyable story, despite the crushing ending, or at lease cliff hanger.

I received this audiobook free in exchange for my fair and honest review.