The book begins with one of the main characters, Ben, saying that the story is about two boys falling in love with each other, they have a misunderstanding and break each other’s hearts, then make up and get back together again. This is exactly what happens. Ben and Vinnie are university students about to graduate, Ben is a man of many talents, an aspiring author and musician, while Vinnie is an artist. Ben sees Vinnie, crushes on him pretty hard and finally decides to talk to him, while Vinnie is painting. They like each other and they establish a relationship. There are positives about the book, like Vinnie having a very open, loving family, as well as Ben, who also has a loving family, who actually financially support him while he works on his writing. There’s no family rejection, both men are out and proud with loving families. Ben is truly in love with Vinnie and his feelings are very sincere through the book. However, I had a hard time actually becoming engaged with the characters, especially Vinnie. Maybe it’s because it is entirely narrated from Ben’s point of view, but I never quite understood Vinnie, his behavior was incomprehensible at times, and Ben spent a pretty big part of the book pining over Vinnie. I also found myself asking about various plot devices that were used to promote a stronger emotional bond between the men, but were only brought up to be dropped and never explored fully, like Ben’s childhood trauma, and definitely Vinnie’s trauma as it happens during their conflict, as well as his emotional whiplash. Vinnie makes really bad decisions and suffers terrible consequences, but there’s no real explanation and definitely no emotional reaction from him, at times he comes off as a damsel in distress, and unable to make a decision. Ben also comes off as selfish and self involved, like when he admits to going to the clubs to get serviced by other guys, without bothering to return the favor, but has a complete change of heart over the thought of dating Vinnie, and he uses his financial resources to fall in favor with Vinnie, which came off as a little manipulative. Overall, I never connected emotionally with Vinnie, although he is a nice guy, and Ben was sweet but also clueless at times. The performer is one of the best known narrators, and as always, did a great job with the accents and hit every emotional tone with grace.
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