A Twist and Two Balls

I’m not a drinker and I still loved these stories. That being said, if you enjoy alcohol, the creative drinks concocted to go with the ice cream will make you salivate. A Twist and Two Balls had me consider drinking alcohol.

On with the story. As someone who tried her hand at acting and failed miserably, I was very much able to relate to Eddy March – or Eduardo Mancini as he’s tried to pass himself off as. Aside from one toothpaste commercial and one episode of a popular television series, he’s a bust. On his worst day yet, he winds up in a cab, and belatedly realizes he can’t pay his fair. Instead of trying to reason the situation out, he runs. Luckily for him, he has a strong and fast cab driver who chases him down – literally.

Nuri came to England from Turkey when he was a small child. He has a massive family, all of whom have accepted that he’s gay. They also adore him and his concern for them has him driving taxi all the time. He believes in a hard day’s work and so having someone literally run out on a fair has him annoyed…and intrigued. He wants to know more about this unemployed actor who has hideous stage frights and does amazing Star Wars impressions. (Shout out to Joel Leslie the narrator for the amazing mimicry of the SW characters.) Nuri is also impressed that Eddy can recite Shakespeare while drunk. Heck, I can’t even do it while sober.

Despite their diverse backgrounds and secrets Nuri is hiding, the two men hit it off and Eddy discovers there might be an alternate use for his talents. I found the happy ending very satisfying.

The bonus story for this couple in Nice & Snow. While the first story was entirely in Eddy’s point of view, this story is told from Nuri’s. It involves snow, kids, Santa, and the belief in miracles. It was a nice revisit, especially to see the extent to which the men’s relationship has developed.

Slap and Tickle

I related to both the men in this story. Brian is an accountant who likes order. I have studied accounting and like when things are a certain way. Phiz is a hot mess. More often than not, I’m a hot mess. So what happens when ordered life meets chaotic whirlwind? Love, of course. But that’s at the end, so I’ll go back a step. The two men literally run into each other in front of the ice cream store and while picking up the flyers Phiz has dropped, Brian notices they’re for a BDSM club. After prodding, he discovers Phiz is interested. Neither has been in a Dominant/submissive relationship before and I enjoyed watching it grow organically. Both men fall into their roles, but it’s Brian who has the most doubt. He’s inflicting pain on someone he’s grown to care about and has guilt associated with that. It’s Phiz who recognizes the dilemma and he says to Brian, “Of course I wanted to do it again. I was waiting for you to feel good about it.”

Aside from the D/s relationship, there is also an imbalance within the relationship because of professions. Brian is successful and accomplished. He’s saved carefully and has significant security. Phiz has moved from job to job, his clumsiness and inability to focus always winding up as a detriment. Only when he finds his true passion is he able to settle into happiness. I loved that he found fulfillment outside of the relationship as well as within it. Too often, people see themselves only in relation to the other person. I liked Phiz’ independent streak. The two men worked together as a couple and I was happy when they got their happy ending.

Snack Happy was the follow-up story for this couple. It takes place around Valentine’s Day and Brian says to Phiz, “you’re mine…my present.” And what a present he is. A little spanking scene and some extra loving for everyone involved.

The stories were great and I loved it was Joel Leslie who brought them to life. You just can’t go wrong when he narrates a book and combined with Ms. London’s humour, I highly recommend this collection.