Awww. That was totes adorable. It went down like Saturday morning cartoons… except for the MM nooky (three scenes once past the halfway point) which was definitely not for kids. Dragon Zephyr gets only enough backstory to make him the innocent needing to be protected, Sir Gawain gets even less development beyond his noble heart and good looks, and there’s no villain to chew the scenery (in fact, the villain remains faceless throughout). That’s because this is a romance, and a novella to boot.

For what it is, I found it captivating. I’ll get novella two, when it comes along.

If you’re looking for fantasy with more story to support a dragon, ye old accents, and MM romance,

I recommend The Lightning Struck Heart, that begins the Tales From Verania series. It’s got more heart, humor, and story, if you can handle the “jazz hands” over the top juvenile jokes and raunch.