This one is such a sweet tale of the things you’ll do for love. I thoroughly enjoyed watching these two grow together and adapt to their differences. It’s certainly a take on opposites attract, and one they’re together and figure it out they’re so sweet together.

I love reading about this family and all the peeks you get into the other character’s lives as things move along. Even reading them out of order you’ll find that same joy in them. It’s a huge family and when they all get together it’s insanity but I love every minute of it.

David Allen Vargo does a wunderkind job with the audiobook. His voice is so soothing, and how a man can be so good at voicing women is a mystery to me! The only thing I didn’t really enjoy were the sound effects and music at points. I wasn’t expecting them so they caught me off guard every time and just seemed really abrupt and would jerk me out of the immersion. It was still a great audiobook and I’d recommend it, just know what you’re getting into!