Darwin has recently moved to Colorado to take his dream job at a cancer research in the College. He has tried all sorts of dating and found that he is tired of hook-ups and one night stands.On a bad date from Match.com at Mary’s Burger’s, he meets Cody, a cute waiter.

Cody is also from the Midwest. He has had lots of hookups but no dates. He is from a low-income family, and he loves the atmosphere at Mary’s and the friends he has made there. Mary’s and his other job, diving at another local tourist restaurant is his idea of dream jobs. Cody and Darwin hit it off good, but will they have enough in common to stick.

I loved this story. It was a quick, fun read with intriguing characters and lots of wit. ( yes Pun intended) If you’re looking for a feel-good story to curl up with on a dreary day or even a good vacation read. I highly recommend this. Now I want the next one!

Audio review: Gerrod Larkyn Is new to me narrator. I actually liked his narration. He did put a lot of excitement and character in his work