To explain the title a little, after having listened to several MPreg M/M stories, I have pretty much determined that I am not a fan of the genre. As a reviewer on another book has observed, they tend to be M/F romance stories with the female gender (but not attitudes and “frailties”) swapped to a (feminine) male. However, this series, being placed on a SciFi theme, intrigued me enough to chance it (I like SciFi 😉 , and I am glad that I did. I also liked that the “story” had some meat to it (no pun intended) in that there actually was one separate from the “romance” part of it.

Another saving grace for it was that the MPreg part, although strongly hinted at, did not manifest itself (at least so far). I am really hoping that, if this series continues, it never does as while I can suspend disbelief on a couple of fronts (e.g., Space, ETs, tech, etc.), I would find it extremely difficult to believe that all parties are biologically compatible. So please Ms. Glass, do not go there. The *expectation* that it might be possible is fine for Seil and his people to have, but if you somehow make it biologically possible for a human male to give birth on that world, you will loose a fan.

This now brings me to the one, sort of, negative comment that I have, that being the narration. My first introduction to Mr. Leslie was a story that involved a man learning that he was accidentally switched at birth and the family that he was raised with was, well unloving, is about as kind a summary that I can make. In such a story, a narrator who’s voice contained a slight tremor, as though he might break down a cry at any moment, was appropriate, if a little tiring and annoying after several hours. However after listening to several other books narrated by him, I have come to the conclusion that this is an ingrained quality of his voice, and one that I unfortunately really do not care for. While I will not dismiss a book read by him solely on that basis, I will think twice about purchasing one that he narrates. So I was tempted to pass this one over, but the storyline intrigued me. That being said, I have to admit that he did a fairly good job here, either that or I am now becoming more numb to those qualities that annoyed me earlier 😉 So, Mr. Leslie, I really do like the timber of your voice and I think, in general, you do a good job at different character voices but, if you could loose that trembling, almost going to cry, aspect you would have a solid fan.