The reviews told me to ignore the book art, this was on sale, so i decided to give it a shot. This was one of the few books that actually managed to get me to laugh. It was so snarky and made fun of fantasy books in a way I can recognize. Its not terribly easy though to understand the main characters goals though. It all felt consistently aimless. I was bored but the snarky humor that would pop in helped break up the boredom. The humor is gets old and repetitive though and the flaws with the boring plot starts getting more obvious. The characters spend way too much time fumbling around not getting anywhere. They spend way too many times in jails/cells too so it kinda limits any progression of the plot when they have to constantly get delayed getting out. I struggled to finish this. I think it’s ok though for the super discounted price that I got it at otherwise I would have been more upset about wasting my money on something I didn’t like. Overall it’s ok to pass the time, just don’t expect anything to blow you away as it’s only real good for mild passive entertainment.
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