At first I was thrown by the narrator’s voice, not the accent really, but the inflections(?) that seemed to accompany almost all of the sentences. It seemed like he was trying too hard to pump emotion into every word, even when it wasn’t really warranted. However, I acclimated after an hour or so of listening and enjoyed the story for the content, even coming to enjoy Leslie’s narrative style at times.

I didn’t realize there would be actively described sex scenes, but I think Alderson did a good job of weaving them in without detracting from the rest of the story. It did NOT read like a smutt story from your favorite porn site, lol. I’m currently debating on going to the next book in the series, but I think whether I do it soon or not, I will return to this series at some point.

Thank you Mr. Alderson for writing a fantasy story with queer characters, even if some are not exactly model citizens. 😅 This has been my first real dip into the queer representation side of fiction books, and it’s definitely left me with a desire for more. 💚