So Im not usually into m/f main charachters, prefer m/m but at times I find some good once that I cant resist. Been looking for some vampires for a while and when I saw Joel Froomkin/Leslie narrate this how could I resist? The story was suprisingly good and I fell in love with Remy as soon as the story started. Even more suprising was that I ended up liking Beanie. Females charachters are usually so whiney so when her sarcasm and witty comments came up I couldnt help but laugh and she quickly grew on me! One of the better vampire series I have listened/read to.
This one is far better than the second and third book in the series, but the rest are still verry well written. So happy Joel Froomkin/Leslie did the whole series by himself, he is good at both male and female voices and he really succeeded with this one!
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