A gamelit author writes a book about a gamelit author who writes a book as gamelit type stuff happens to him. Super meta stuff. Even talking about the gamelit community a bit. It’s also very much a harem series, which I’m usually down for, but maybe this wasn’t for me. I felt like the women just didn’t have too much personality or much of a connection with the main character. Part of it might be how they grew up. It’s a bit of a reversal to manga harem stuff, where the MC is a bit bland (though maybe strong or skilled) and all the women that surround him have much more defining archetypes. In this case, the MC has a lot of personality, but each of the women fall short. Buuuuut, that might just be because this is a first person harem narrative, while they are usually 3rd person. So maybe just something I’m not used to.