This was an interesting take on the “adventurer just starting out” theme. Oster makes some unusual choices for the MC’s race and the structure of the world which freshened up the well trodden path of this story archetype.

Don’t get me wrong… there are plenty of the predictable devices used by many authors when writing an AJSO themed book… The MC is different and so was mercilessly picked on and never had any friends. He picks up friends along the way and not all of them are trustworthy. His ignorance gets him into trouble, etc…

Yet, the character development is good, and the world is interesting. The action is action-y and Oster does a good job of setting short, medium, and long term objectives for the character and the plot.

It didn’t blow my mind or anything, but this was super-solid, well-written, fantasy/LitRPG.

Definitely worth your credit.