I loved how from the first this series pulled me into a brand new world! After reading the whole trilogy I was dying for more, luckily Mr. Arand delivered with a whole world of other books in the world he created!!

I gladly moved back to the beginning with Otherlife: Dreams, the first book in the world I’ve come to love!!! I get to meet characters I never knew had already existed.

If you’re a gamer, you’ll love the character building Felix, the main character, brings to the story. And even if you’re not a gamer, you can enjoy how he learns how to build up those underneath him, and in turn how that builds himself.

Felix is one of the most dynamic and well written characters I’ve had the pleasure of meeting. Facing real problems, about how to survive in a less than perfect world. And yet become a better person, despite leading a group of heroes turned villains by their new slave owner Felix!?!