I have been spoiled lately by finding some truly enjoyable books. I mostly stick to the horror genre and have enjoyed everything from ghosts and demon possessions to zombies and hostile aliens. I had this title on my wish list for a while and the reviews filled me with anticipation. The first story started of with a predictable, yet still interesting plot, then quickly descended into juvenile nonsense. I also found the narrators style to by annoying as he seems to race through every every paragraph, with little indication of when one sentence ended and the other began. I can appreciate a tempo change to reflect the unfolding or mood. But it just seemed to me that this narrator was just trying to hard to be entertaining. He even added sound effects that were about as creative as a preteen telling a scary story at a sleepover. Just cringey.

Hoping this was limited to the first story, I decided to try the second story. While it was a comparatively a better story and not very long (partially because of the narrators insistence on speed reading), it was also nowhere near what the other reviews advertised and for sure not worth the credit. I am very suspicious of the authenticity of the raving reviews, but it could just be a case of “to each his own.” I am just happy I was able to get it refunded.