Normally there is a common theme to this genre – MC starts a new game, and is basically a gamer-god who is overpowered, because power fantasy. Also, large groups of people in the new game (either NPC or players) are out to get him, because books have to have immediate and obvious conflict. Lots of “this isn’t what it looks like” and “why should we believe you, scum?” stuff. NPCs usually disrespect him for being a nobody, etc. Lots of seemingly random beytayal.

Well, in this book, it isn’t a “new” game – just a new way to play it. And everyone believes the MC – no weird situation misunderstandings, no assumig the worst of MC, no misinterpreting his motives/actions, etc. NPCs treat MC with respect and genuinely treat him like family. Everyone stays true to the MC the whole book.

Still overpowered, because power fantasy…but all my other expectations were subverted. It was nice to see the MC treated fairly and not be crapped on by those around him or the Gameworld in general for once.

Narration was fantastic.