The performance is great. issues with the storyline. seriously none of these characters should have lived as long as they have lived. Their stupidity is just too unfathomable. They never learn from their mistakes. Two weeks into the power outage they should’ve realized there wasn’t going to be any help. Yet these characters just seem to have no brain cells between them. Jake and Olivia are as worthless as expired baby formula. They are not willing to change their ways until it’s too late.

Tucker‘s group supposedly has patrols for security, Yet a gang sneaks in with vehicles and steals from them without someone noticing.

Grayson’s group having rifles rarely carry them. If this man truly was a prepper, all of his group should’ve been armed at all times. Sentries should’ve been posted at all times. I’m not a soldier or police officer, but it’s just common sense. Two weeks in either one of these groups should’ve realized that they were on their own.

The most frustrating part for me is the cowardice of Olivia, Jake, and Tucker. I swear these characters should’ve been killed off a long time ago, most probably at the beginning of the first book. There is no way people like this Could survive for a week or even two weeks.

Anyway, the book was frustrating for me to read or should I say hear. I’m pretty sure the writer meant well when he wrote these characters in, but these characters just don’t grow in knowledge. their stupidity is beyond survival.