I really enjoy C.F. White books. I adored her District Line series, and so leapt in with both feet to the London Lies series. I’m so glad I did. These books have been exciting. A look back at 1999 and the advent of Internet Journalism. And an inside look at the entertainment industry. And a few crimes thrown in for good measure.

This book picks up right where Book 2 left off. Fletcher and Jackson are on the run. The first scene, though, involves a family member of Fletcher getting into some trouble. I wasn’t surprised, but I did wonder where that plot line was going to lead.

Anyway, Fletcher and Jackson are back in London. The intrepid reporter and the mega star are on the trail of a killer. Jackson’s girlfriend, Tallulah Payne, was murdered. Yes, Jackson’s friend Chris claimed he did it, and committed suicide, but that was always too neat and tidy. Jackson’s gut tells him that’s not the truth. Fletcher doesn’t believe it either. To prove who’s really behind all this, the men are going to have to be creative. This includes Fletcher showing back up at the office of London Lights, the Internet rag he worked for. I was surprised they hadn’t revoked his pass, but then security never seemed a priority. Dishing on celebrities was.

Fletcher also has to face Heston – the man he lived with for two years. The man he believed himself in love with. The man who betrayed him. Another fascinating piece of the puzzle.

Bad guys abound in these books, but there are also little story lines that break through. Like Jackson’s brother’s illness. Their parents. The industry that used and abused young boys and girls. Jackson and Fletcher plan to bring it all down. But they may lose everything in the process – including their lives.

There’s also the little matter of Jackson being in the closet. Fletcher is coming to care for the man, but can their budding relationship survive?

Okay, so it’s a CF White romance, and I got my satisfying ending. A sweet ending, in fact.

I’ll mention Piers Ryman quickly – he deserves a lot of praise. He made these great books even better, and I’m so pleased I went along for the ride. Well done all around, and I highly recommend the series.