B.T. Narro is a great writer who is constantly brought low by his lack of knowledge of the laws of attraction. There is a reason why Bad A** super stars like Cliv don’t exist in real life. They can’t. The relationship between Cliv and his BFF would not exist outside of fiction.

Study relationships and the laws of attraction, my suspense of disbelief is struggling to follow this without saying “not realistic”. The way Cliv finds love in the first book was already hard enough to believe as anything more than lustful desire. Book 1.5 is more realistic(if a bit strange due to circumstance), though the time frame should have been longer than a couple days.

Naturally this entire book (book 2) is very far from the reality of love and desire. It wouldn’t have been so bad had you not made the entire book revolving around relationships and then failed to deliver on believable situations.