Two stars in Audible is “it’s okay,” and that fits, even with the 80+ hours bargain. The book summary promised a fix for my Firefly withdrawal. The Firefly flavor, however, was only a tease … I kept waiting for the Firefly magic … and just kept getting a pale imitation

The “sci-fi with wizards” universe is a good premise, and some of the stand alone capers had heart. But overall the universe wasn’t thought through, the story telling was lazy, and the payoff for the characters or the story arcs never materialized. There were no happy endings, just them getting out of a series of crappy situations that they created in the first place.

My biggest problem with the series, however, is that the characters’ bad traits outweighed their good. Finished the whole omnibus and there’s not one character I’d want to hang with. Except Kubu, who’d make a fine pet.

Not terrible enough to demand a refund, but I have no desire to continue to other books in the series.