I made it almost to chapter 4 and just could not take the hardcore Christian undertone embedded in it. It should be under “Religious books” with the amount of quoted gospel and directive of “be a good Christin” tone of what I was able to tolerate. I consider myself a Christian but am not one for pentecostal and preaching to others. I know a number of people feel they are not good Christians if they are not “witnessing” to others but I bought this book to hear stories of prepping and survival with the hope to learn some new things. I know allot of preppers have (their) religion (Christians, Mormons, Muslims etc.) as the main focus of their prep, and I am happy for them to have religion in their lives. I don’t go pushing my own beliefs on others and wish that of them. I should have researched the author more as I see Google lists “Mark Goodwin is a Christian author” as their first words. -noted.