I have both the ebook and audio book for this title. I thoroughly enjoyed the story, but this review is going to focus solely on the audio book. I would have loved it if it had all been narrated by Kirt Graves who covered the reading of Gray’s chapters. Unfortunately, there is alot of Joel Leslie reading as Kai with an accent I really did not like. Hated, to be honest. I like to listen at least 1.5x speed and it sounded so weird for his parts. I tried listening at normal speed, though, and he just sounded drunk and Bostonian so I stayed with the faster speed to get through the narration. If this is what Joel really sounds like, I’m sorry, but if that accent was put on for this character OMG WHY???? Gray and Kai grew up together in Boston. Kai left years ago to sow his wild oats and try to get over Gray. Why would he be the one with the heavy accent? Was it to show Gray as a high class lawyer above an accent while Kai is a low class, blue collar yokel proclaiming his Boston roots every time he opens his gob no matter where he’s gone in the world? I didn’t know I had a problem with this accent before this book. I’ve watched so many movies set in Boston with Ben Affleck or Mark Wahlberg putting on that accent but I guess I tolerated it because movies are shorter. Sped up, it took me 5 hours to listen to this whole book and that was too much Kai for me. The narration did help spur me along reading the ebook, but it didn’t bring the story to life like I wanted it to.