Oh boy, that was delightful, and I don’t even use that word “delightful.” Now, I can’t help but compare this book to Bad Luck Charlie. Space Team is kinda what I thought I was getting when I picked up Bad Luck Charlie, but BLC turned out to be something different. What I was expecting was a goofy fun space adventure, that’s what Space Team is. Goofy, enjoyable fun.

Another thing that stood out to me in this book was the humor. I often read reviews where people say, “This book had me laughing all day!” And to that I say, “Yeah right. Most of these ‘funny’ books are about as funny as a Family Circus cartoon.” Space Team is the first one that I actually agree with! The book was probably the funniest I’ve read in quite some time. Obviously humor is subjective, but Hutchinson wrote jokes that were right up my alley and felt like something I would say in my mind. I don’t LOL at books. I don’t use the letters LOL, but this book made me do it. There were several parts that made me laugh in my quiet office with my headphones on.

So, do I recommend the book? Of course I do. I wish it were longer and maybe had a bit more depth to it, but the humor and enjoyable characters make up for the other deficiencies. Is it like Guardians of the Galaxy? Sure, definitely, but it’s not like GotG was the first of its kind or has a monopoly on the misfit motley crew sci-fi team. That whole thing is a genre unto itself and Space Team is a more than worthy addition.