Very original take on progression fantasy. MC is transformed into a serpent and the whole leveling up thing happens in the context of a beast evolution. Very unique, very creative. I enjoyed all of that stuff very much. Hats off to the author.

It’s not exactly a slow start, so don’t take this to mean that the beginning is an awful chore, but the story definitely builds up some momentum and gets better over time. Also, make ur peace with the fact that MC is more or less evil. Author tries to gloss over it, but dude is a bad guy for sure. The morality of MC is confusing. In books like these there’s always a bad guy seeking to undermine the MC, and normally I get emotionally invested n I look forward to seeing MC overcome n ultimately come out on top. For this book tho, at some point I started rooting for MC to fail.

Anyways …overall the book is dope and I’m looking forward to the rest of the series.