
I really lost interest after the middle of the second chapter. But pushed through.

Andrew Tell, narrator, brought a presense to the characters and made it somewhat intriguing. I really liked listening to him.

However, Tallow’s appearance never made sense and once you realize he’s Asher, it made even less sense. As close as he was with his family and dad’s partner, he refrained himself too much. So he hasn’t seen them in decades and can be so controlled around his dad and sister?

The “estranged” relationship felt like it melted away too quickly, especially with the raw abandonment emotions Douglas made sure he talked to his partner about and clued in to readers with the head popping.
At one moment Tallow reference “my dad” taught/showed me. Not ‘our dad’ -and it was not in reference to Douglas ….

When he ‘met’ the partner, why would he spew intimate details about his marital relationship? That was just stupid.
The banter between Douglas and Ross seemed juvenile. The ‘detective skills’ were scooby doo level.
It also didn’t make sense how Asher was able to use ‘magic’ so easily in a non magical world, without any mishaps.
I have never heard of a chief telling underlings decisions of hiring without extending the offer firsthand to the ‘applicant’ or meeting him.
What would he know about being a detective?
Who the heck takes an eight year old to investigate? And talk to people around her?
There was a part when it reflected “Douglas’s wife would have referred to her as uncommin pretty”. His wife? His dead wife? Maybe his “late wife”?
Way too much telling and not showing. Too much head popping thoughts with little delivery made this book agonizingly drag. Info dump galore, unceremoniously. I had to refrain from “Skip 10 seconds” becoming my bestie.
The blurb was intriguing. The sample sounded fun and light. To say I was disappointed is an understatement.

I would never listen to this again nor follow the series. I truly did like it.
It seems too uneven and dry for a younger audience; and too immature for an older.
I read reviews -on this book-about the cover. It seemed that was quite the opposite for me. The cover screamed to me of it dark mysticism with quality writing ….