The two main characters are quite interesting but when they meet things happen at the drop of a hat. Yes, there is the whole mate therefor instant attraction and feeling of comfort and love but Sean, who thinks he’s human, just instantly accepts werewolves, mates just immediately falling love, and yes he’ll marry this mega billionaire who he just met and knows nothing about right after he’s seen a murder and is assaulted and almost murdered himself. Yep. No, well “uhm let me think about this a few milliseconds”, no “maybe I’m suffering from shock?”, no doubt and when his best friend brings it up it’s either put up with it, shut up, or get the hell out of here.

On a separate note there is a sharp divide between women were, who cook, and male were who do everything else, which really had me cringing. The alpha male and his beta’s are all gay also seems too convenient for the writer to make the story primarily a male world. Obvious problems with their security detail are understood when *gasp*, a little were girl has to use the bathroom and they have a bunch of male guards etc. and things happen that wouldn’t if they had had some female guards, which guess what, are quite strong because they are also were. Not as strong as the men but women have proven again and again in our society brawn does mean everything. And yet, the author is a woman, which really does make me cringe, because women have been fighting for equal rights to serve in the military etc and this flies right in the face of that idea.

However the relationship with Sean and Armand is lovely and with more pages and writing this could have been such a wonderful story, which is a darn shame.