I just couldn’t see it under all the cultural references. Remember that cool thing from that other thing? It’s almost certainly going to be brought up, used to some mediocre advantage, and then swapped out for another cool thing from that other cool thing everyone has heard of.

I never would have thought I’d be grateful for the end of any audiobook by Travis Baldree, but I have no idea how this story managed to route him in. The author can’t even get a cover that doesn’t look ridiculous and cheap, how did he get a top narrator?

I digress. The story might have been decent if done differently, but there’s no point at which I cared the slightest bit for this utterly forgettable character, who solves his problem of blaming his own shortcomings on others by turning over control of his life to alien micro bots. He then wanders around an empty island, listening to popular songs that give him powerups and monologuing about how much he hates his dad.

There are zombies, bug creatures, some big villain or whatever… I don’t care, all of it was completely uninteresting. Twice, I felt the glimmer of an actual book worth reading, but then it was immediately drowned in more pop culture references.