This was my first book by this author, so I’m not sure if it was just that the story didn’t jive with me or the writing style. I’m pretty picky about insta-love and have be sold on it, completely. That didn’t happen here. At all.

I didn’t connect to either character (for different reasons). I’m not interested in tearing a book apart, but this just didn’t work for me. But I’ll simply say that Joel was too much of a jerk, even in his inner-dialogue that even when his mushy parts came out, it was too late for me to connect with him. He was too much of a user in the beginning. And Andrew just tried to fit any man into his idealized “dream” so it never rung true for me. And, even the sex was just too cringe-worthy for me.

While I’d be willing to try this author again, I don’t think this is the series for me. However, I might try the most recent one, The Victorian, based on some reviews & comments I’ve read.

Kirt Graves did a good job on the narration,