Sound booth has turned this series into a joke. Cheap sound effects, terrible voices that you can’t understand what is being said, and an overuse of echo and reverb made this a chore to listen too. Frankly it sounds like no listened to this book post production.

Storywise, I’ve noticed some issues. Like Allister finally not putting up with someone’s bs and being emotionally crucified for it. He just goes back to putting his hands up and apologizing to everyone.

Basically a door mat and a clown of a leader who is hen pecked and brow beaten by his girlfriend at every chance possible. It’s an unhealthy relationship dynamic, and almost sitcom cringe in it’s delivery.

Woman is goddess who is never wrong and slaps man on back of head at every opportunity. Man is dumb and so sorry for everything all the time. It’s less of a romance and more of a mother son dynamic, which is creepy.

Also a weird plot point is this guy has the same amount of gold as some people who own solar systems, but doesn’t use it to outfit himself and the core team with the best weapons, armor, skills and technology? Like he spends 300 million on Ai upgrades, but doesn’t upgrade his peoples gear? He could literally buy anything… but relies on gear from low level mobs and crafters. It’s weird.