I started out hoping that Kellan was going to be shining light in Wavy’s life and he would take her under his wing like the Father she didn’t have. It would have been a great story if that was the case.
I was only 3.5 hrs in when I started to see questionable behavior and I decided to take a look at the reviews before reading farther. I am so glad I did.
It’s no shocker that a 13 yr old girl would develop a crush on a man that she looked up to. What IS a shocker is that a grown man would take that in a sexual direction. That’s called grooming and pedophilia.
It is sick that this would be equated with a “romance.”
Do you remember being 13yrs old and having a crush on your Coach, your Teacher, your favorite rock star etc?
Now ask yourself if you, at 13yrs old, were mature enough to navigate a sexual and emotional relationship with that man. Of course not!
13yr old crushes (male or female) should be a safe place to explore these new feelings that the child is experiencing as they are coming into adulthood. Instead, we have to worry about adults who only think of themselves and their sick desires. No one should look at a 13yr old child in a sexual manner.