If you are considering getting this third book in the series I assume you probably are already familiar with the first two, and liked them, so I’ll say this book continues to be of a similarly high quality. When it comes to writing a graphic romance and maintaining an interesting plot Nikki Sex delivers admirably on all fronts.
I generally try to avoid spoilers so I’ll just say, it does feel a bit l like a middle book, there were a handful of plotlines that got progressed but only a couple really got resolved, and Jan is bit more introspective in this book than in the others so far, not that it’s a bad thing just a somewhat noticeable. Overall it’s a great book if you have liked the earlier books I completely recommend this one.
The narrator managed to pronounce “heady” correctly twice in this book so there is also that.
** I received a free copy of this book for review purposes my review is voluntary and unbiased. **