I had mixed feelings about this 1st book in the series; the concept & storyline were intriguing, but not being a big D&D fan myself, the frequent lists of “stats” were about as interesting as hearing someone read the periodic table. But, I was interested enough by the story to get the next audiobook in the series. I’m glad I did: presumably due to feedback, the number of “stats” reports are much reduced in later books, only showing up from time to time when there is a major upgrade.
The story is great fun; maybe a bit too much violence and sexual content for some, but in keeping with the fantasy world typical of Dungeons & Dragons. A low level monster called a “mimic” not only escapes a dungeon but proceeds to grow and thrive (at the expense of unfortunate adventurers, criminals, monsters, and anyone else crossing its path), all the while baffling the empire’s top spymaster who is directed to solve the mystery of one disaster after another…again, it gets continually better as the series goes on. I’m about to buy the 4th episode, and will probably listen to the entire series.
Light entertainment, along the humorous lines of “Beware of Rooster” (though in a completely different setting, of course.)