If you are going to read this book keep your expectations low. And I mean ALL your expectations. I could just be spoiled from listening to better authors, but I dont think that’s what this is. There is just too much to dislike and complain about here. Overall I know it isn’t too bad, but damn this guy likes to take short cuts in his story telling, and I mean big ones. The author tried to fit what could have been probably two books in to one, and lost out on all the possible compelling character choices, potential interesting character growth, and other such things usually found in a good litrpg. Huge swaths of the MCs leveling are just not written about, simply saying he “grinded” for it. At first I was ok with that, thinking, ok thanks for not writing for thirty minutes about him killing 300 wolves or some such nonsense. However, after the character reaches level 40 with little to no challenge, yet supposedly several months of effort, I really started to feel disconnected. To be fair, he had two interesting altercations in that time, but still! Having listened to the end, I still have no idea what the MCs powers are, other than that apparently he has the power to be as powerful as he needs to be. There are several other concepts this author obviously didnt consider or just ignored in his writing as well. *****SPOILER***** How the fuck does a girl that has been a paralyzed and comatose most of her adult life, a girl that just a few months ago began her venture into this game in which she was, and is still arguably, a complete and total noob, suddenly know how to perfectly coordinate and lead people into war, when neither she nor the people she is leading have ever been trained to do so? This book had promise, and I am just passionately disappointed by the lack of fulfillment of it’s own story telling.