The story starts of weakly.. it’s gets very scattered and it’s way too detailed about reading of skill sheets back to back to back. The story is shattered and poorly organized. I fought through and I’m on book 3 so I’m 80hrs into the series and I am QUITTING half way into book 3. It’s not worth it. They list off character sheets for NO LIE.. 25 minutes.. then jump to a different character and immediately read off that characters sheet for another 20 minutes. I understand the genre etc but it’s off the rails into insanity. I just paused book 3 and I can’t do it again.. the story is slow and boring. the characters just jump by 50 or 100 levels with minimal effort. then talk about how others spend 100years trying to level and only gain 10 levels. it’s a very weak system. a very weak disorganized story. after 80 hours listening my advice is Don’t Bother. it’s not good.