Started out very inspiring – I even saw myself in him, with all my huge entreprenurial ideas, and I thought this book is going to be awesome and helpful. The more I listened, the more stars dropped away. More and more of his own limited-belief-blind-spots emerged, and then, horrifyingly, he spoke at length about firing negative-thinking employees, referring to them as CANCER. He goes on to say that he fires them lovingly. It is not love or loving to label a person a cancer, “fire them lovingly”, and then go on to write a book (with Joe’s and Jack’s help and endorsement, no less!!!) publicly spotlighting to the world that he believes the people he has fired (and will fire) are “cancer”, and telling you, Reader/Listener/Business Owner/Would-Be Entrepreneur, to also view them as “cancer” and “cut them out” (fire them.) The literal opposite belief/behavior of all his other “positive” messages. (My comments are not about firing people. They are about calling people “cancer” in a book on positivity and being kind, generous and loving towards employees, a book that spends a significant amount of time explaining how to make people feel valued and valuable. The belief that some people are cancer is inconsistent, incongruent – and horrifying.)
Rather than continue to try to explain my shock, I’ll conclude here by saying: as with any positive thinking book, flip on your discernment switch, and be alert to the writer’s (still remaining) limited-belief and negative-thinking blind spots. I still got much good from this book by doing that. 5 stars for all the good stuff I still heard,