I really liked it at first but a couple hours into it this Barb character really wears thin, The author is trying to make her a bad-ass chick but she’s so over the top that the reader winds up hoping she gets killed off somehow. From a practical standpoint, her character was so uncontrollable that she would have been a tactical liability, not an asset.

What made me stop listening before the end was some really stupid thinking on the part of the main character, Conner. Stop reading here if you don’t want certain plot twists revealed but when Conner allows the main bad guy to live when they captured him was simply stupid. Cut the head off and the snake dies, smite the shepherd and sheep scatter, and so on. This evil army existed solely because the main bad guy. Killing him would have scattered his army. A few may have broken into bands & turned into bandits but those could have been dealt with far easier than an army of men following a clever and evil leader. Duh.

As much as I like this author’s work overall, he is a good writer, he seems to have ran out of ideas or simply followed a wrong path in his imagination.