Can you hear the theme music? This book was written in the same style as James Bond except the spy, Kyle Grant, prefers to charm attractive men instead of women. Also, as we romance listeners like, there’s something special about Sebastian, the particular young man he meets. Kyle and Sebastian spend the whole time trying to safely get their hands on the dangerous chimera before it can be used by evil do-ers… All the while, being chased and shot-at by the bad guys. Will Kyle and Sebastian obtain the chimera without losing their lives? Will perpetual-bachelor, Kyle, fall for and settle down with Sebastian?

Many of my favorite MM books were written by Keira Andrews. I’m a huge fan and feel like I have been spoiled by her. I was disappointed this book was missing the slow burn within her other books. It couldn’t have been any other way, though, due to the main character and style of novel. During chapter 5, I left and listened to something else before coming back. This says a lot, considering my repeat listens of her other books such as Valor. Those are the books I reach for when others are disappointing.

As always, Joel Leslie’s performance was superb.