This is the story of Katherine who lives beside a lake with here husband, James where they own a small resort in Blissful Point, Massachusetts. Things begin to get a little strange when a little Japanese boy drowns in the lake. Katherine thinks that her husband is being moody and behaving oddly because he’s grieving for the little boy and somehow feel partly responsible but that’s not it at all. There’s so much more to this equation. We find out as the story unfolds that James is so much more than just Katherine’s husband. James is the lake.
This book is extremely well written and somewhat enigmatic as all of Mr. Gifune’s books tend to be. The creeping evil or the bogie man in his books are often unnamed and intangible. The monster is what your mind makes out of it and that will be differ from person to person. I really enjoyed this book although I found the ending too abrupt and without explanation.