This book was given to me for free at my request and I provided this voluntary review.

I was sold by the title and cover. Who wouldn’t want to enjoy the wonder of steampunk circus? The story started with a classic “we have to save the show” storyline and I was happy enough for that to be it.

This story did so much more! Each stage of competition brought out new sides of the characters and their back stories. Chekov’s guns were set up so well I didn’t see them coming.

Mystery and intrigue! Sabotage! Showmanship! And a truly epic conclusion.

Travis Baldree did a fantastic job. He nailed the various characters and accents – including making me care about a certain automaton.

There was peril but I think anyone middle school age and up could handle it. Anyone who can still remember a sense of childlike wonder at their first magic show will treasure this story.

I look forward to re-reads in the future and hopefully more stories in this world.