Ok, this was a fun, funny, sarcastic look at a preposterous idea, that being “What if Trump got his way and the military created a Space Force.” Robinson takes that idea and all the ridiculousness of it and runs with it.

When we meet the eponymous force, they running their final training mission before their funding is pulled out from under them. The nation, and the world at large, sees them as nothing but the farcical idea of a man-child who had too much power. And now that is is out of power, the funds have dried up and Space Force is to be no more.

If only it were that simple. Before they can get off base, the unthinkable happens and actual aliens invade and they find themselves the only thing standing between the Earth and a race of hostile invaders who would like nothing more than to collectively teabag the human race. I kid you not.

Yes, I really enjoyed the absurdity of this book. My biggest complaint is that it starts to fall apart towards the end. It’s almost as if Robinson wrote this on a Redbull and Mountain Dew bender and the ending was penned far too close to his caffeine crash. Still, as a whole it made me ROFLMAO, but only figuratively.

I enjoyed Kafer and Zeller’s narration. It was fun to switch back and forth between points of view and they did a great job of bringing Stone and Halle to life. I didn’t care much for Williams’ narration though. All I could think about for her one chapter was “when will it end?” I’m glad she only did the one chapter. Robinson also pops in at the end playing himself. That was after the book had already jumped the shark.

Anyway, I would recommend this to anyone whose played too many video games and wondered what would happen if the overpowered players tea-bagging your in-game avatar were really cheating Aliens practicing their invasion. What? That’s literally no one? Oh, well you may like this anyway.

I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this honest review.