- Would you say that listening to this book was time well-spent? Why or why not?
- I wouldn’t say I wasted my time, but I wouldn’t say it was “time well-spent” either. I have listened to all 4 Harmon Cooper – Jeff Hays collaboration books before and sadly, this latest book sounded like more of the same thing. Similar plot setup, similar action sequences, exact same sounding tone of the characters… It didn’t feel like I was listening to a different series. And the book was quite short. It didn’t quite get enough time to develop properly. Thus, I didn’t quite enjoy it like I did the first 3 books.
- Has The Last Warrior of Unigaea turned you off from other books in this genre?
- Seriously… who at Amazon thought this was a valid question to ask?? How can a single book turn someone off from an entire genre? Give me an example of such a book.
- Was The Last Warrior of Unigaea worth the listening time?
- Amazon bot / ai is broken. Asking same question twice. See my response for the first question.
- Any additional comments?
- I received this book free of charge from the author / narrator / publisher in exchange for an unbiased review.
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