I am a true crime nerd, probably like many who chose to listen to this book but this is horrible. It is like 19 hours too long and the author is grasping at straws to make his father not just performing the most horrific murder of all time but was also a serial killer. Look George Hodel was a lot of things…a narcissist, womanizer, sex addict, rapist and an abuser. Is he a killer? Maybe. Did he kill Elizabeth Short? There is not enough information to confirm or deny that fact. The narrator is so monotone that it was putting me to sleep. And this is a little thing but it really bothered me…for majority of the book George is referred to as ‘Father.’ Not my father just father. It just sounds so weird because that man was not a father he was alone man sperm bank. All because you share DNA doesn’t make the man your father. He never cared for you or anyone else. And then Steve goes on a writes another book about his dad being the Zodiac Killer! Dude needs therapy and a hobby because his daddy issues are ridiculous.
Review from Black Dahlia Avenger →