This book was so awesome, I loved listening to this book and rinoz is truly talented. rino deserves an award or something. chrysalis is truly a masterpiece.

Jeff hays and Annie Ellicott do so good!!!, Jeff does this Australian accent that just brings out the Mc and really fits the book, I loved the voice. it was so happy and it was making me feel happy, Jeff did really good, the voices were all different and you could tell them apart. He also has a really good Australian accent, this book just shows the variety of voices Jeff and Annie have.

it’s also really humorous, it’s as funny as dungeon crawler carl, and this is also the only other book that’s really made me laugh besides dcc.

it’s so awesome listening to him dance after a victory or hearing him scream ” THE ITCHH”

the Mc isn’t annoying at all, he’s a cool little human ant that’s funny and has the weirdest personality.

there’s not much side characters but they aren’t bad either.

the fighting, it’s so good. if you just started listening and you think there’s not enough action just keep on listening, this book is like 80% fighting and action and I loved it, he dominates foes using his human intelligence and ant abilities. listening to a ant give beatdowns to people is just so cool, he also doesn’t make alot of dumb decisions. maybe the dumbest one he made is telling a random person he’s from another world, why would he do that? it’s just common sense not to do that. so like I said he doesn’t make alot of dumb decisions, meaning he makes smart decisions. he makes calculated calls and that’s how he beats monsters, I also like the evolutions. listening to the evolutions and having him grow and change is just so cool.

i can also confidently say the power progression and skill progression is top tier, just listening to him get stronger and level up his body is a that in itself.

When it comes too plot it could be better, you could see that the goal of book 1 was too find his colony, he did that and after that there’s nothing he’s striving for. the plot isn’t bad but it could be better.

the tone of the book was just downright fabulous, I was so happy listening to this book and I felt like that’s what the author wanted when writing this.

the world building is also really good, I can’t believe hie good it is. the dungeon world is explained well and the way the world is built is just so awesome. I didn’t know what to expect when listening to this book but it certainly wasn’t this.

there’s also some good foreshadowing, I would say it’s so good because of the narration but I like it. it’s a perfect suspense giving the book something I didn’t know it needed.

I also love how long this book is, 20 hours or pure awesomeness. anyone who doesn’t like this book is lying or doesn’t have taste, it does have its downsides but I love it.

the information about some of the ants and some other things is also true and I learned something new listening to this, when the author was writing this I felt like he was trying to make a funny book that everyone would like and love, he accomplished that task and I think that’s what makes this book so good. and tiny, I really liked the dumb gorilla and if he died I’d be really mad, I care for that gorilla and he’s a key part in the story. now If you’re on your last credit and you don’t know if you wanna get this, you should get it. the art cover can be misleading but thats it. this books funny, no he’s not a dungeon core he’s an ant, yes there’s a lot of fighting and action and yes there are a lot of chapters. I was confused at the start of this book but after a while I got on board, so yes you’re going to know what’s going on in the book.

Ending conclusion is.

This book’s a 5 all the way around, it’s worth the credit. Jeff hays gives this book life, and it’s one of the reasons I like this book, it’s similar to dcc in the fact that it’s funny. You’re gonna want book 2 as soon as you get it because I know I will, I already know there’s going to be an influx in royal road readers just because of this book.

So yea this book is awesome, and lastly.