It was a very good book, with the very inaccurate description of the Houston dialects. Being a 3rd generation Houstonian, and a 6th generation Texan… I have never heard anyone speaking as described in this book. Even my mother, who I would say, has a distinct Texas accent, but not at all the way he described it. I probably wouldn’t have said anything about it, except he made quite a point of it in the book.
The Hights of Houston was a working class part of town, and is now overhauled as a upper middle class, trendy place to be.
I was young when this happened, but remember it very well. I lived very close to the boat shed and remember seeing the activity going on there. It was a scary time, I didn’t understand what had transpired at the time, very well, so it was nice to hear more of the inner dynamics and what the families were going through.