Alright, these two readers? Slap me and call me pretty. Absolutely loved that the change in POV was accompanied by a change in narrator. Xe Sands? If she and Abby Craden teamed up for a book, just the two of them, even if it were about ant hills or choosing the right wallpaper- I would buy the crap outta that book.

I digress. Slow burn ain’t even in the same league as this book. I was poking my eyes out in the car with the will they, won’t they- now it’s #metoo. She’s her boss, she’s her PA etc… speed up the timeline, get these ladies onto their next jobs, show me them together. It was like buying a Lego set without the box having a picture on the front. I was just grabbing bags and building the foundation but never got to appreciate the whole picture.

Ah well. It was cute. Worth a read/listen, but left me without that swooning happy feeling I had grown accustom to from Wilsner’s books.