Overall, this bundle is pretty good, I may not especially like the alphas — they’re pretty arrogant and judgmental — and all of the storylines have some quite painful events, but the MCs are mostly okay. The alphas mostly grow on me, though for one or two, it’s a really hard sell. I loved the way the writer connects all the stories through the SEAL team and through their ongoing investigation into White Dawn, the white supremacist group that the government seems to be hellbent on protecting. Each story built tension in its own unique way. There was the external drama related to the conflicts in which the team must intervene to protect innocents as well as to infiltrate and destroy. But each alpha team member’s personal history is laid bare as he finds his mate, reshapes his thinking, and/or overcomes his past. The narrator worked valiantly to voice each MC, though I think he has the most success with Mal from the first story.