The Good
The story is fine, with only a few places that drag. While many of the character are 2D or unpleasant House is excellent. The world is vivid and sounds like a fun place to live. The narration is great with each character having a recognizable voice. I had no trouble keeping track of who was talking.

The Bad
The two main characters are unlikable verging on toxic. This gets better as the story goes on but if you don’t want to listen to unsympathetic jerks being jerks to each other the first 10 hours will be ruff.

The Ugly
The full dive game where the story takes place does not sound like a fun game to play. Even ignoring patches that go live without warning mid combat there are many sacrifices to the game in favor of the story. The “fast travle” between zones can take 12+ hours. The game creator / owner is personally antagonistic to the MC, great for a story about challenging the havens, terrible for a game I would want to play. Character death has excalating consequences, again great for a story where you want deaths to matter, terrible for a game etc.