High point: Great Narrator.

High point: Interesting Premise

High Point: Good writing

Low Point: Too long – this story didn’t warrant this length in telling.

Low Point: Very slow beginning – it takes forever to get to the action. The build up was tiresome to me. If you bill yourself as action oriented – then do that, please and thank you.

Low Point: Relationships of characters unbelievable. Junkie Doctor motivates a Ranger turned inmate who failed to take action on something that haunts him. Big brain and gutter mouse – he’s the bytch in the relationship – and no the attraction makes no sense. Super solider searching for something lost (I think this is the most interesting character in the bunch). Scientist/Mutant – reminds me of the snake in the grass – that you know is probably there – but you sometimes forget to watch out.

Low Point: Missed Opportunities – could have been so many epic battle scenes.

Low Point: Characters development/motivations. Madonna/Whore trope – really? In dangerous situations – but minds are on relationships/feelings about other characters. Morality – either a demon/angel – people aren’t built that way.

Final thoughts:

Would I recommend it? No.

Would I listen to it again? No.

Will I seek out the next book in the series – because this book’s ending suggests heavily that there will be one? No.