I had a hard time deciding how to rate The Longest Night. I absolutely loved the premise of the story. The story starts after the world has collapsed and we are only given a brief summary of what caused it. I would have loved if this first book had just focused on that aspect, showing us the collapse would have been great, but as I said the book starts after the collapse and I must admit for the first third of the book I didn’t even really like the main character. Mostly because he was such a loner. Thankfully that all changed, he grew on me and once a few other characters entered the picture I even started to like him. In the end The Longest Night is a solid post apocalyptic survival story and I am definitely interested to see where the story goes from here. Good characters, solid action, and an interesting story, but I would still love a prequel that really explored the original outbreak and the collapse.

As always, Andrew B. Wehrlen does a great job with the narration.

I received a copy of this audio title for free in exchange for an unbiased review.